-The Siren ~ Kiera Cass
𝓗ello cutiepies❣ ◕ᴥ◕ ❤
welcome to a new entry ∩__∩ hope you're doing great; right now I'm a little tired and full of food haha but here I am :P
today I went to a buffet with my family and we just came back, and ohgods I swear I feel like at any moment I'm going to explode.. I ate three cups of ice cream, pizza, chicken popcorn and other things x﹏x
anyway, today's entry won't be really long, or that's what I'm thinkin :P but since I don't have so much to tell, I better start with this ∩__∩'
first I'm gonna talk about the book I finished reading some hours ago
↪The Siren by Kiera Cass
I know lately it's kinda strange that I read books (I've been reading more manga) and surely it's stranger that in less than 5 days I read two books.. but you know, miracles exist..
this time I decided to check out this book that has been in my to-read list since some months ago, it was there 'cause I loved the first three books of The Selection and the cover looks quite pretty.. but in reality the main reason why I picked it up this time was 'cause its lenght
anyway, the story follows Kahlen, a siren, that falls in love with a human..
I guess that's how you shorten the book, sadly that's what it is about..
I found the story very cliche, all that thing about "love at first sight", "made for each other", are not my style ∪﹏∪ and so I felt quite bored by it
the characters, in my opinion, were kinda flat, I didn't like Kahlen, I found her annoying and cringy; Akinli (the love interest) was.. uhm.. absolutely common, normal, I didn't find him charming; and the secondary ones sometimes they had a chance to shine, to become better but suddenly their personalities just fade away, they disappeared
I felt attracted to the whole idea: immortal young women that bring humans to the sea so it could feed of them, but the crappy romance and the cringy main character made it quite tedious for me
overall I think it was just ok, not really bad but not good.. as it was the author's first book, it's understandable how easy and fast it is to read; probably I'd recommend it for young girls (maybe 15 years old) who are dreaming of a fairy tale-like love story..
in case you want to read the complete review, in spanish and with spoilers, click here please ∩__∩
otherwise, finally I watched one of the few movies I have in my to-watch list..
黒執事 (Kuroshitsuji)
Black Butler
well, I have to say that I was kinda afraid of watching another live action movie (adapted from manga or anime) since the disaster that was Attack on Titan ∪﹏∪ but since BB is one of my favs I thought "why not?"
let's say it's basically the same, the same plot that follows the Queen's Watchdog and its demonic butler trying to get revenge, BUT there are some differences, for example this movie has that Victorian-era feeling but it's actually settled in a modern world
our protagonist is Earl Kiyoharu Genpu, who, with the help of his loyal butler Sebastian, tries to get revenge for the assassination of his parents; the plot of this movie is that there have been several cases of mummified bodies, so the Queen orders her Watchdog to investigate the case
even if it's not the best movie I've watched it was actually not so bad, it was entertaining and kinda funny; there were some things that I still question, like, why did Kiyoharu dress up like it was 18th century while everyone else had modern clothes?
I liked how they explained certain things, like what happened to Kiyoharu's parents, why they got murdered, and his motivations to become the Earl.. but the fact that they didn't explain how the contract with Sebastian was made, made me feel quite disappointed ∪﹏∪ also I wanted to see more of his demonic side/powers
and the ending.. well, it was actually good, I liked how the things solved and it actually looked like they could do a sequel but I guess it won't happen haha
overall I enjoyed it, it wasn't the best movie out there but it's not the worst, will I ever watch it again? uhm.. I don't think so ∩__∩'
and now, last but not least (uhm.. well.. a little bit, yeah) here is the first part of my birthday presents.. yes, you read it correctly: first part; the second one will eventually come, when? I don't know❣ probably it'll be posted here at the end of august or in september.. or even in december, who knows?
just three small presents: a horror book (thanks to my youngest nephew haha he was kinda happy and pround of giving it to me), a very small batman pierces and a super cute Sailor Moon necklace *-*
oh, the present bag you see there was made by my sis, it's supposed to be a puppy and, if I have to be honest, it looks super kawaii❣
also I painted my nails.. I know I've been quite reluctant to do some nail art since some months ago.. is just that I can't find inspiration and whenever I try to do something I end up hating it and usually I remove it even before finishing it u__u but this time I liked the result❣
I would like to call them birthday nails haha even if they do not seem to be especially done for this day ∩__∩'
they really look simple and of course they are❣ also they were super easy to make, but I love how they look *-* maybe because I fell in love with the polish ❤
anyway, I spent several hours changing the design, I removed the polish twice 'cause I didn't like what I was doing.. so at the end, when I was giving up, I just thought "what if I go for a simple one?" and guess what? I loved it❣
well, this entry was longer than I expected.. guess it was the movie's fault :P but I'm glad I finished it❣ it took me more time than I expected but here it is
oh❣ the day I've been waiting for is coming: Attack on Titan new season will premier on sunday❣ ohgods I guess I'm gonna die since we're gonna be blessed with more Levi *o* ❤
anyway, since I don't know what else to say, it's better if I just cut off here ∩__∩'
as always thank you so much for reading/passing by❣
hope you'll have a wonderful weekend ◕‿◕ ❤
⋆:・゚✧bye bye❣