sábado, 30 de septiembre de 2017

goodbye sepetember, hello spooktober❣️

Hola cutiepies❣️
espero que se encuentren muy bien, sean bienvenidos a una nueva entrada❣️
ahh.. no puedo creer que hoy sea el último día de septiembre.. y sí, como lo dice el título, hola octubre❣️

la verdad es que estoy emocionada por las próximas entradas ya que continuaré con la costumbre de hacerlas con un toque de halloween :P

otra cosa por la que estoy emocionada es que hoy, al fin, el último de los anime de temporada que estaba viendo tuvo su final de temporada y claro que vine a hablar de ello n__n'

creo que la entrada será muy larga, así que supongo comenzaré ya, así que aquí vamos❣️

NOTA: es probable que contenga spoilers de toda la temporada del anime correspondiente, pero los respectivos spoilers del último episodio estarán en otro color

primero hablaré del anime que tuvo su final de temporada ayer..

miércoles, 27 de septiembre de 2017

is this hell?

Hi cutiepies!
welcome to a new entry n__n hope you're having a great time! these days I've been quite busy: I've been watching too much anime haha and today I come to talk about that

anyway, I wanted to read a book since the previous entry but before I could even realize it the day for this entry was here and I was out of time to read ¬¬ so that means I won't talk about a book or manga today.. what a shame!

I don't really have so much to say u__u so I guess I better start with this entry 'cause I have the feeling it will be quite long.. so here we go!

first let me show you something my sis bought for me some weeks ago n__n to be honet I forgot to upload this pic before haha

sábado, 23 de septiembre de 2017

wouldn't it be better to have no regrets?

-Black Butler Vol. IV ~ Yana Toboso

Hola cutiepies!
bienvenidos a una nueva entrada! espero que se encuentren de maravilla n__n

yo estoy un poco apurada y cansada, pero aquí estoy otra vez :P
tal y como les había dicho con anterioridad, aquí está una de las últimas entradas del mes.. como ya sabrán, esta temporada (verano) de anime ya está llegando a su fin y por ende tengo mis pequeñas e inútiles reseñas haha

y bueno, hoy es el turno de dos anime que terminaron.. claro que, apesar de estar un poco ocupada, me tomé un poco de tiempo para leer un nuevo volumen de manga n__n' la verdad es que ya me hacía falta :P

ya que no tengo algo más que decir y no sé si la entrada será larga o no, mejor comenzaré con esto!

miércoles, 20 de septiembre de 2017

we can fall together

"遠くから 君が 壊れる音
微かに 聞こえた 気がしたんだ
鳴りやまない 答えのない 痛みは 終わらせよう"
- 硝子の瞳 (Glass no Hitomi) ~ SID (シド)

Hi cutiepies!
hope you're having a great time! welcome to a new entry n__n

well, first let me say that there are going to be several entries in the next days (maybe this and the next week), 'cause the summer anime season is coming to an end and as you know I'm currently watching some of them :P

today's entry will be only about anime.. I've been watching a lot and, if I have to be honest, I've been kind of delaying the ones I started to watch a while ago so I'll avoid talking about two or three in the same entry but I'm afraid I failed haha

I also have been reading some manga.. but the point is that it's not published in volume format, so it doesn't really count haha.. also I started watching a seasonal anime that is gonna end next week, so I'm rushing with it before it ends n__n'

I think today's entry will be pretty long, so I guess I better start with it now!

past week I finally was able to watch the special OVA of CardCaptor Sakura! and let me tell you it was simply beautiful n__n

カードキャプターさくら クリアカード編 プロローグ さくらとふたつのくま
(Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card-hen - Prologue Sakura to Futatsu no Kuma)
/  "Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card Prologue: Sakura and the Two Bears"
Genre: Romance, Fantasy
Episodes: 01

since the first moment I knew there were going to be an special OVA of CCS I was completely sure I wanted to watch it

sábado, 16 de septiembre de 2017

¡Viva México!

-Pedro Páramo ~ Juan Rulfo

Hola cutiepies!
espero que se encuentren muy bien, yo estoy algo cansada.. pero aquí estoy para una nueva entrada, así que, bienvenidos!

en esta ocasión quise, como ha sido costumbre en el blog desde hace unos años, hacer una entrada "especial" por las fiestas patrias de mi país.. así que aquí está :P

bueno, la verdad es que no tengo mucho que decir/mostrar.. ayer y hoy han sido días un poco cansados.. ayer por la noche cenamos en familia con motivo de la fecha y hoy pues fuimos a ver el desfile conmemorativo haha así que ya se podrán imaginar que tan cansada estoy

en fin, no los entretengo más, comencemos con esto!

primero quiero hablar sobre algo que quise retomar este año y eso es leer algo "especial", con esto quiero decir leer un libro escrito por un autor mexicano, digo, para celebrar :P

jueves, 14 de septiembre de 2017

and the canary was completely exposed

-Grimm S06 (2017)


lunes, 11 de septiembre de 2017

black broken heart ;

Hi cutiepies!
hope you're having a great time n__n and welcome to a new entry!

I'm still sick u__u but luckily not as busy as I was all these previous days.. finally I have more free time to do whatever I want haha

for this entry I wanted to read something.. and I thought it would be a good idea to try another manga volume but as I was out of time it didn0t happen so here I am.. without reading anything new :P

but good news is that I had time to finish another anime n__n' so this entry could be quite long, lucky you that I don't really have so much to tell, so let's start with it!

a few days ago my sis bought a new nail polish for me, this time I picked up the one I wanted, so it was 100% my choice :P

miércoles, 6 de septiembre de 2017

my heart says 'read, READ!'

Hi cutiepies!
hope you're having a great time n__n guess who's getting sick? yes, ME! I just hate this.. seriously u__u I'm not completely sick (yet) but probably is a matter of time.. damn the weather is nice for me, so it means it's cloudy and kind of cold.. perhaps that's why I got sick haha that and the fact that one of my nephews, my sister and my niece were sick too ¬¬'

anyway, welcome to a new entry! I know I've been absent from my blogs.. is just that I'm really busy these days, I have so much work to do! I swear once I end up being so busy I'll come to edit the entries that need it

ok, this time the entry won't be as long as always, and, for once in a while, I won't talk about anime haha strange, right? instead I'll show you what I recently bought some days ago

since I don't really have so much to say I better start with today's entry.. so here we go!

past week, in my city, there was some kind of "book fair" (similar to the FIL - Feria Internacional del Libro), is the third year in a row that this fair "comes" to my state (and the second time I go) so I knew I had to go.. sadly I only had the chance to go on saturday u__u one day before it ended!

to be honest there weren't so many things to see.. my oldest sister told me there were a lot of good books for a great price so I went with the idea to find good deals; the surprise (well, not so much after all) was that the books I was most interested in costed the same as if I went to a bookstore.. so that was the biggest disappointment of the day

viernes, 1 de septiembre de 2017

Hogwarts is my home