-Beauty and the Beast (2017)
Hi cutiepies!
welcome, welcome n__n' hope you're having a great day! I'm a little bit tired and feeling sleepy haha but I'm here for this new entry!
as you can see this is gonna be a Beauty and the Beast themed entry..
the movie finally came out today, so I obviously had to make this :P
I went to the midnight showing 'cause BatB is one of my favourite animated Disney movies, so when I knew there was gonna be a live-action I was so ready for it, but when they announced my baby Emma Watson was going to be Belle I instantly fell in love with the idea
there weren't so many people in there, so it looked a little lonely haha but honestly I didn't care, I was there to watch the movie AND to get my merch :P
okay okay I better start with the whole review now n__n'
well, what can I say about it?
it's not so different from the animated version, the songs are very similar (at least in spanish, they only changed some words tho), the plot is the same and the characters are the same too (maybe not all of them, but most)

in my opinion she did a great job
and her dresses.. ohmygods all of them looked fantastic!
I especially loved the red one (the one she wears while she and the Beast are in the snow); but don't get me wrong, the yellow one is also gorgeous.. I bet she could wear a plastic bag and she'd look perfect haha
about the cast, it was incredible BUT I'm not really convinced about the Prince and Gaston haha, I don't know why, but they were just OK for me..
the effects looked nice, they made me feel like I was in the story, I think the castle, the Beast and the rose were my favourites
I liked the fact that they gave us a little background for Belle's mother and the Beast's past, it was a good touch..
there's one thing I liked that I never thought I would like: LeFou
this character is a little bit different from the one in the animated version and it really surprised me how much I liked him
my favourite part/scene? uhm.. I'm not sure.. probably the dancing between Belle and the Beast.. it was too pretty and it looked stunning, it left me breathless *-*
or maybe it was the library one haha it was funny but when I saw it I was like "I feel you Belle.. I would react the same freaking way, you lucky girl"
well, I bet everyone knows the story, so I don't really have to explain the plot or anything like that, but I feel like I have to put some things under the "spoiler" part, so here they are!
I don't know if this really counts as an spoiler, but I'm putting it here anyway haha
the way they portrayed Belle was really nice, I mean, we know that people in the village said she was strange and all of that, but in the animated version we never see Belle really thinking about it, but in this new movie we see her saying it loud
she kinda feels bad about it, like she probably doesn't like to be different/strange, maybe she even thinks there's something wrong with her.. and that's why she identifies with the Beast, because they don't fit
also we see a scene where she's teaching a little girl how to read and the people just get mad at her and they throw her clothes to the dirt.. and she's so kind that she doesn't even complain about it, she's all like "whatever dudes, go f* yourselves"
and now, about LeFou.. ohmygods! I just love how he started to have a bad feeling about Gaston, and that he told him that what he was doing was wrong (when he left Maurice tiedand unconcious in the forest), of course he did what Gaston told him to do anyways haha but he tried..
I guess he was doing all of that 'cause he thought he was in love with Gaston, but once he saw how horrible he was (when he left him in the Beast's castle at the battle) he thought about the general idea and decided that he didn't want to be in his side anymore..
at the end, he finds someone else.. and I was like O__O "AMAZING! go for him LeFou!"
and that ending.. ohgods, I think they added a little bit more drama haha 'cause it kinda looked like the Beast died.. so it was sad :| and I wondered if they were just gonna leave it like that LOL but of course they didn't and I was so glad *-*
I also liked how they portrayed Belle, strong, intelligent and kind; I've always enjoyed how she and the Beast's relationship develops; it strats kind of rough 'cause she was a prisoner, but then she decides to stay and they slowly become friends
it's not like they fall in love at first sight, they start to care for each other, they start as friends and that's how love begins.. that's what I like about this story n__n' but of course, the inside beauty counts too haha
overall, I think the movie was beautiful, it didn't disappoint me at all and the songs are really nice, so yeah, I loved it, it was amazing *-*
ohh and the merch I got! just look how awesome it is..
another collectible glass for my collection.. I'm not really sure how many I already own, but this one is too pretty.. there were two designs: one with the rose and the other one had Belle and the Beast dancing, but I saw it kind of dark, it didn't look so pretty, so I picked up this one n__n
YES! another key chain!
this is probably one of my favourites *-* it looks super pretty! it has the castle, a mirror and a rose charms.. I just fell in love with it!
and, guess what? I painted my nails too!
I have to say I was dying to make a BatB themed nail art, but as always I never had time for it or was too lazy to do it haha, but finally I had a good reason to finally do it
it's not what I was thinking to do at first, and it may look simple, but I just love the way it ended up looking like!
I used golden polish as a base in four nails; in one of them I made bright pink roses, then added some "fallen petals" and green leaves
in the last nail I used electric blue as a base, then used golden polish to make a rose at the top and made a dotted swirl at the bottom
it was super easy to make, but I had some trouble with it haha, at first I paint the three golden nails in yellow (Belle's dress) and made some dotted swirls with golden polish but I didn't like how they looked like so I took the polish off.. TWO FREAKIN' TIMES!
at the end I decided to paint them in gold and leave them with no design at all
if you want to see more of it, click here n__n
I think I don't have anything else to say, so that's all for now.. sorry for the long entry n__n'
as always thank you so much for reading/passing by!
hope you'll have a great weekend
bye bye!