"I lay in tears in bed all night
alone without you by my side"
alone without you by my side"
welcome welcome to the first edition of the new DIY posts! ❤
haha I kinda sounded like Effie Trinket from The Hunger Gmes x) sorry! well, as I said up there this is the first DIY "tutorial" I'm making n____n'
this time I'm gonna show how to do a bookmark! ◕‿◕
as you know I love books ❤ and I always have like three or more bookmarks, so I thought "what if I make one?" I reached how to make it and I found the famous "Monster Bookmarks", I liked them, but I wanted to make something different and as I was loving The Fault in Our Stars I said "why not?"
I made it before the movie came out (and I'm sorry I didn't post it before!) and I really liked the result; remeber, you can do it however you want (the directions are the same about doing the bookmark), so, here we go!
NOTE: this is not a video tutorial, I took pictures of the steps I followed, I hate to make videos, sorry!!
✮⋆The Fault in Ous Stars inspired Bookmark⋆✮