viernes, 28 de diciembre de 2018

feel all the love

Hello cutiepies!
I'm here once again! hope you're doing great n__n welcome to a new entry!

today two different anime series had their season finale, so I'm here to talk about them :P
I really don't have much to say (besides the reviews), and I don't know how longer the entry will get, so I guess it'll be better if I just start with it..

NOTE: the upcoming content will be yaoi (even if it says shounen ai) and shoujo ai, so if you don't feel comfortable with that, then feel free to just skip this entry n__n' either way it'll be not too explicit, so proceed under your own risk :P

miércoles, 26 de diciembre de 2018

壊し続けた僕は 何かを救えた?

Hola cutiepies!
espero que hayan tenido una excelente navidad y que hoy se encuentren aún mejor n__n yo estoy sintiéndome un poco mejor, aunque sospecho que todavía seguiré enferma u__u de verdad es un fastidio! pero bueno, sólo me resta descansar estos días de vacaciones haha

en fin, hoy les traigo una "entrada especial", como ya saben por estos días la temporada de otoño de anime está llegando a su fin.. ayer terminó uno de los anime que estaba viendo y hoy terminó otro, así que, obviamente, vengo a hablarles de ellos

esta será una entrada extensa (aunque espero no explayarme demasiado), así que supongo lo mejor será que vaya directo al grano y comience ya.. aquí vamos!

martes, 25 de diciembre de 2018

merry xmas

Hello cutiepies!
hope you're doing great n__n I'm here for a new entry, so welcome!

well, finally xmas is here! I know I should say I'm happy but.. well, it hasn't been a good year haha plus since I was really busy some days ago I still feel kinda tired so I'm trying to rest a lot :P

I don't have so much to say, only that these days have been quite cold and sometimes I feel like I'm freezing T__T gladly I'm not really bothered about that 'cause I like cold weather..

anyway, I'm guessing this will be short, but since I don't have anything else to say I better start with today's entry n__n'

first let me talk about the short books I read this time..