martes, 31 de octubre de 2017

this is Halloween!


sábado, 28 de octubre de 2017

almost halloween


pfft.. kinda dumb how I still don't get the charger I need ¬¬'
I asked my sis to ask for it since some people she knows can get it for a lower cost, but it seems that she hasn' done it yet.. it has been almost a month since I asked her T__T

anyway, I'll have to wait.. or buy it at its normal price u__u

sorry about this guys, I really wanted to do my halloween entries in time but look at the blog, it looks awful now..

okay, I promise I'll edit the entries as soon as I can!

miércoles, 25 de octubre de 2017

pumpkin-shaped heart


domingo, 22 de octubre de 2017

Horror Queen


miércoles, 18 de octubre de 2017

into the bloody nightmare


Uhm.. I kinda start to think that I never will get the charger I need ¬¬

so yeah, this entry will have to wait too.. I just hope to be able to edit all my entries soon!

sábado, 14 de octubre de 2017



Aún sigo con problemas de PC, así que todavía no puedo editar correctamente T__T una disculpa enorme..

martes, 10 de octubre de 2017

I'm not dead.. yet


Sí.. aún no he podido conseguir el cargador para mi PC, así que todavía no puedo editar..

una disculpa enorme u__ú

viernes, 6 de octubre de 2017

monsters in my head


Ok, I haven't got the charger yet, and I don't really know when I'll get it, so that means there's not an specific date to properly edit the entries..

I'm really sorry guys!

martes, 3 de octubre de 2017

time to get spooky

Hi cutiepies!
hope you're doing great n__n well, I honestly had everything planned/ready for this entry BUT I've been experiencing some problems with my PC..

actually I'm in my phone right now haha and it's kinda hard..

I don't really know when I'll be able to get a new charger for my lap, so the entries will have to wait for the proper edit

anyway, sorry about this u__u
I'll edit this when I get the freaking charger!